Sunday, January 28, 2018

Feedback Thoughts and Ideas

The first article I read was 6 Bad Mental Habits that sabotage your success. This article made some good points about not making exusses and seeking approval. This whole artice could be boiled down to it is important to be confident. If you are confident in what you do there is a good chance that will translate into you doing things well or a least better. Another article was Eight things students should do when they make a mistake. This talked about how it is important not to let criticism get you down and if needed use it to grow and get better. Personally I think feedback-both positive and negative- is vital. If I am doing something wrong I do not want my feelings protected, I want to learn to do it right, otherwise I'm just going to continue to sabotage my success by doing it wrong It is also nice to know when you are doing something correct. I think that as long as feedback comes from a place of respect for the purpose of improvement, then no matter how bad it is it needs to be shared. It is also great when feedback includes how to improve or what could make something great even better.
A Guy giving good feedback

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