Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Storybook Favorites

         All of the storybooks that I saw were great and looked like the creator had put a great deal of time into them. One of my favorites was "Stories Of The Wild West", by Ali Sylvester. I thought that telling Indian epics from the point of view of the American wild west was really original and creative. All of the Indian legends such as Arjuna , Drona, and Vali were all reimagined as characters in the fictional town of Tombstone. The introduction does a good job of combining these to very different topics. The stories were also well written. The layout was also easy to follow and further proved the level of care that went into making this storybook.
                              Link to site - 

      The next storybook I visited was also great, and also my absolute favorite. This one was titled "Rate My Rishi", by Kira Godinet. This one was a humorous take on Rate my Professor, and had humorous ratings of the different Rishis. I though this storybook was hilarious as well as being really informative. Each of five Rishi's had their own page describing them and giving a lot of background information on each of them. The title and homepage let me know immediately what it was about. The introduction explained what the creator wanted to share as well as being informative. I thought the design for this site was also really easy to navigate.
     Link to site -
Durvasa's Rating page.
Image link - Durvasa
     The last of my three favorites was "Shadows of the Ishvara - A Search for the Truth", by Kevin Davis. Like the others this one was also very creative and unique. This one took the perspective of a quest set in more of an epic fantasy universe. This one also did a great job of incorporating the Indian epics into their story in an informative way. This person clearly spent a lot of time writing their story and did a fantastic job. I though their introduction as a bit lengthy but understandable considering the scope of their storybook. The title and introduction both explained what the storybook was about. This was further helped by the easy to navigate design of the storybook.
Link to site -

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Reading Notes: PART A: Gaia's Secret 1-2

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