I have never heard of the growth mindset or Carol Dweck. I think this is right on track and I can see how it affects me. I always do better and feel more accomplished when I am working towards something challenging. Even when I am not quite to the level I would like it is encouraging to see how far you have come and how much more you need to give. This applies to my schoolwork, hobbies, and athletics. Something I have learned about my learning is that I learn best if I understand why something should be learned. i need to know the why. I am interested in seeing some of the growth mindset we will see through the semester, but it is not something I am looking to dive into as of yet. My learning goal the semester is doing my capstone and graduating. Maybe growth mindset will help.
Here is a graph that helped me understand what it means to have a growth mindset.
Comparison of fixed and a growth mindset.
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