Sunday, February 4, 2018

Feedback Strategies: W 3

The first article I read was Be a Mirror. This article talked more in depth about the growth mindset and practical ways for teachers to incorporate it in their classroom. One interesting point was to take yourself out of your feedback. Make sure your feedback is about what they are doing and not what you liked and disliked.
The second article I read was Criticizing praise. The author says that it can be a good thing but can also be a bad thing. When receiving constant praise people can begin to become complacent from it. People can also come to expect praise for simple things that do not demand praise but should just be done.
I think these articles did a good job on expanding on what we learned about in last weeks feedback assignment. This week we learned about how to give good feedback and praise. What I took away and will use in my life is trying to take my own biases and thoughts out of my feedback. I feel pretty confident about giving other students feedback and have been pleased with the feedback I have received.
Students giving feedback

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