Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Reading notes: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu.Part B

I was exited to read this version of the reading when I saw that it was taking a down to earth approach. I liked that it was not going to be clouded with all the drama of the gods and all of the magical elements. Unfortunately I did not like how hard to read this reading was. It did not have much flow and seemed bogged down in details. It kind of read like the bible or another really old book. Something in the reading I would like to write about is the mighty battle that took place starting on page 102. The battle has Duryodhan on one side against Krishna and Arjun. Arjun is at first unwilling to fight because he does not want to fight his old teacher. Krishna must remind him of his duty. Arjun and Krishna are losing badly and begin to fight heroically. Dodging and firing arrows, even leaving their chariot. By the end of the day the battle is at a stalemate rather than a defeat.  This leaves a lot of open interpretation for a battle story. I have not yet done a modern battle story. I think it would be interesting to do a gritty modern war story. The details I took away from the source material fit this theme perfectly.

Krishna and Arjun
Wikimedia Image

The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu
Author: Richard Wilson

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