Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I have been very pleased with the comments I have been receiving. I really like seeing that other people are liking what I wrote and that people are actually reading it. I like the comments where people give me suggestions for improvement. A lot of people have ideas on what I should expand on or make more clear.
I think that my feedback is pretty good. I always try to tell people the things I like about there writing, as well as include something that I think could be improved. Seeing how creative some people are is encouraging me to be more creative in my writing.
I do feel like I am getting to know the people in the class. I read peoples introduction and then read their stories. A lot of people have their own unique style and I feel like I know the people better than most of the people in my physical classes. I think my blog and introduction also accurately represent me. In the future I would like to try to be more specific with my blog comments. I would also like to make my blog a little flashier. I like this image because it is an easy to read chart with a lot of good information/
How to give Consructive Feedback

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