Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

I think that the reading and writing is working well. My favorite reading so far has been the The Divine Archer. This book was easy to read and was full of great content. I am also enjoying the Mahabharata. This had a lot of great stories that I will be able to write about. I am especcialy looking forward to my next story, which I have already planned. My notes have been helpful in remembering the basic plot outline and important details. I try to write down anything I may need so that I do not have to look at the readings when writing my story.  I am pleased with my project so far and how my stories have been coming along. I like how the writing challenges and criteria are forcing me to expand and improve my writing. My biggest accomplishment in my writing is being able to write creatively and in a way that does more than just convey information.
In the future i would like to try to be even more creative and outside the box in my writing. a lot of people in the class have had some stories that were really out there and they turned out great.
my favorite image i have used so far is this image of Ravana. i really like how ridiculous he is portrayed and this is how I picture him in the readings and my writings.
The Great Ravana

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